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Routine Is A Good thing!


The importance of routine in the development of young children is one of the keys to healthy parenting. Routine provides a framework of predictability and security that is essential for children who are learning to regulate their emotions while their physical body is going through rapid changes. Regular schedules for eating, sleeping, and daily activities help to stabilize children's internal clocks, which in turn, facilitates better behavior and cognitive functioning. This coansistent approach allows children to focus more effectively on learning and exploring, as they are not preoccupied with uncertainty about their daily lives. This mindset works best with wholehearted participation on the part of the parent.

The benefits of routine extend beyond just providing stability; they also teach children about the psychological boundaries and societal expectations they will encounter as they grow. Managing emotions, handling unexpected events, and understanding social cues are complex skills that children learn over time. By maintaining a structured daily routine as simple as arriving to school at the same time everyday, parents can help ease these learning processes, making transitions less stressful and more manageable. In this case, the transition from home to school would be made easier by a predictable on time arrival.

Routine also gives us an opportunity to develop healthy rituals such as preparing a healthy school lunch together! Implementing effective routines involves several key practices. Firstly, consistency is paramount—meals, bedtime, and other daily activities should occur at the same times each day to reinforce a sense of order and expectation. Secondly, routines should be predictable but not rigid, allowing children the opportunity to learn flexibility within a controlled environment. For example, a bedtime routine might consistently involve a story and a song but vary in the books and music chosen. Remember not to offer too many options, stick to the "A" or "B" approach.

Moreover, parental participation, i.e. the amount of enthusiasm in the role of the parent... is an often overlooked factor. The more you get into it, the more your child will sense its value and importance. If it is a chore to you, the event will become a chore for your child. Remember, they know you as well as anyone, they can tell if you are not into it! This requires some effort as a parent to model this behavior, but it is less effort than battling against a child without routine.

The introduction and maintenance of structured routines are invaluable in supporting the developmental needs of young children. Slowing things down, doing them deliberately, helps calm the air with young children. These routines not only improve current behavior but also lay the groundwork for acquiring essential life skills, including time management, respect for boundaries, and the ability to maintain healthy habits. As educators and parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our commitment to these practices is unwavering, thereby providing children with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of growth and learning.


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